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7 posts
Of tomatoes, translators and the importance of context
Context is everything when communicating. A random word or phrase taken out of context can lose meaning, or worse, take on a whole new one.
July 30, 2013
Scientific and Technical Translation Explained
Scientific and technical translation is about more than just specialised terminology. This book explains everything you need to know to get started.
January 25, 2013
The Rube Goldberg Approach to Project Management
Processes are important to make sure businesses run efficiently, but sometimes they are so complicated that they just get in the way. Even the best intentions can lead you astray.
October 7, 2011
Who’d have thought dictionaries could be sexy?
Unless you're a lexicographer or translator, few people find dictionaries interesting. But sometimes they can get you hot under the collar.
October 22, 2009
Time to throw away your dictionaries?
A rookie mistake for new translators is thinking that dictionaries are the most important tool in your arsenal. The truth is pretty different.
October 16, 2009
Localisation – When Language, Culture and Technology Join Forces
Computers don't just automatically speak your language. Even basic apps and websites have a complex network of people and processes in the background to make sure you can understand them.
September 18, 2009
Technical Translation: Usability Strategies for Translating Technical Documentation.
What happens when you cross technical translation with cognitive psychology? A fascinating book that explains how to make translations that are easier to understand and learn from.
January 15, 2007