
Like most people, a lot of the work I do can’t be shared publicly for contractual reasons, but here are some of the things in my back catalogue that you’re welcome to take a look at.

Books & Publications

Scientific & Technical Translation Explained

Scientific and technical translation are taught at universities all over the world but there was never a book designed to help students learn how to tackle such a daunting and complex area. Often students had to learn the general principles of translation translation and try to figure out how they applied to technical translation. This book explains everything from the basic principles right through to tricks of the trade, and it provides lots of examples, activities and resources for both beginners and experienced translators.

Byrne, J. (2012). Scientific and Technical Translation Explained. London: Routledge,

Buy the book from Amazon and earn me some commission, or go directly to the publishers website.

Technical Translation

My first book deals looks at how we can use cognitive psychology and the usability engineering principles to produce technical content which is more effective, easier to understand, and less taxing on users. It introduces the concept of iconic linkage and explains how to conduct a statistically reliable usability test for documentation. This was also the first book on technical translation published in almost 30 years and helped reignite interest in one of the most important and under-researched aspects of technical communication.

Byrne, J. (2012). Scientific and Technical Translation Explained. London: Routledge,

Buy the book from Amazon and earn me some commission, or go directly to the publishers website.

The Master List

I’ve written a lot of different publications for journals, books, conferences, and blogs. Here’s a list of almost everything. Feel free to get in touch to talk about any of them.


2012: Byrne, J. (2012) Scientific and Technical Translation Explained: A Nuts and Bolts Guide for Beginners. Translation Practices Explained. Manchester: St. Jerome. 230 pp.
2006: Byrne, J. (2006) Technical Translation: Usability Strategies for Translating Technical Documentation. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. 280 pp.
2001: Byrne, J. (2001) The Book of Zope: How to Build and Deliver Web Applications. Translation from German original entitled ZOPE (Beehive, 2001) and published by No Starch Inc., San Francisco. 350 pp

Edited Special Editions

2009: Byrne, J. (ed.) (2009) Journal of Specialised Translation – Special Issue on Technical Translation (11), 260 pp.

Refereed Publications / Chapters in Books

2017: Byrne, J. (2017) Scalable Video Production for Technical Communicators. Stephen Crabbe (ed.) (2017) Current Trends in Technical Communication. Institute of Scientific & Technical Communicators, pp.131-151
2014: Byrne, J. (2014) A Framework for the Identification and Strategic Development of Translation Specialisms. Meta, 59(1), pp. 124-139. [Available from:]
2013: Byrne, J. (2013) Seeing the Wood for the Trees: Reassessing Research Agendas in Specialised Translation. Position paper. Journal of International Professional Communication (1) []
2010: Byrne, J. (2010) Are technical translators writing themselves out of existence? Ian Kemble (ed.) (2010) The Translator as Writer. Portsmouth: University of Portsmouth, pp.14-27.
2009: Byrne, J. (2009) Localisation – When Language, Culture and Technology Join Forces. Language at Work, No. 5, pp.24-38 []
2009: Byrne, J. (2009) The Coming of Age of Technical Translation. Journal of Specialised Translation, Issue 11, pp.1-5.
2008: Byrne, J. (2008) Learning Technology in the Translation Classroom. Proceedings of XVIII FIT World Congress, Shanghai
2007: Byrne, J. (2007) Translation and the Internet: Changing the Face of an Industry. Ian Kemble (ed.) (2007) Translation Technologies & Culture. Portsmouth: University of Portsmouth, pp.23-34
2007: Byrne, J. (2007) Caveat Translator: Understanding the Legal Consequences of Errors in Professional Translation. Journal of Specialised Translation, 2007 (7) pp.2-24 [Available from:]
2006: Byrne, J. (2006) Suppression as a Form of Creativity in Technical Translation. Ian Kemble (ed.) Translation and Creativity: How Creative is the Translator? Portsmouth: University of Portsmouth, pp.6-14
2005: Byrne, J. (2005) Evaluating the Effect of Iconic Linkage on the Usability of Software User Guides. The Journal of Technical Writing & Communication. 35:2, pp.155-178
2004: Byrne, J. (2004) Does Usability Have to be so Complicated? The Communicator. The Institute of Scientific & Technical Communicators. Winter 2004, pp.20-21
2003: Byrne, J. (2003) Translation, Quality and Cognetics: New Insights into Translation Quality. Sonia Cunico & Begoña Rodrígues de Céspedes (eds) Quality Issues in Translation: Conference Proceedings. Portsmouth: University of Portsmouth, pp. 19-36
2003: Byrne, J. (2003) Freelance Translation: Teaching Students to Create Their Own Jobs. Daniel Gouadec & Daniel Toudic (eds) Traduction, Terminologie, Rédaction. Paris: La Maison du Dictionnaire, pp. 161-174
1999: Byrne, J. (1999) International English: Making A Case for Efficient and Clear Communication. ATA Chronicle, Vol. XXVIII, No. 10, October 1999: American Translators’ Association, pp.37-42
1999: Byrne, J. (1999) Translator, Localiser or Jack-of-all-Trades? New Challenges Facing Today’s Translator. Translation Ireland, Vol. 13, No. 1, March 1999

Other Publications

2022: Hybrid Work, the Metaverse & You: A Psychological Survival Guide. SAP Future of Work Community Blog 🔗
2017: Byrne, J. (2017) UA Reloaded 17 App Honoured at UKTC 2017, In: The Communicator, Winter 2017 [Article]
2005: Byrne, J. (2005) Best Practice in Career Service Provision to Languages Students: A Pilot Project. Research report commissioned and published by Dublin City University.
2003: Byrne, J. (2003) Evaluating the Usability of Software User Guides: A Pilot Study. Elisabeth Gräfe (ed) tekom Jahrestagung 2003. Stuttgart: tekom, pp.35-39

Invited Lectures, Keynotes & Workshops

2021: The Psychology of Online Communication. SAP People & Learning Soft Skills Workshop
2020: What Would MacGyver Do? Innovating User Assistance on a Budget [workshop], UA Reloaded 2020 [postponed due to covid-19]
2020: Friends with Black Hats? Understanding the Dark Communication Potential of Chatbots [Keynote] UA Reloaded 2020, Germany [postponed due to covid-19]
2019: Interactive Video: Giving User Assistance the Netflix Treatment. SAP UA Day 2019, Germany
2018: Storm Clouds with Silver Linings? The Challenges Facing Technical Communication 4.0. Voice of Customer Colloquium, University of Aveiro, Portugal [Keynote]
2018: Humanizing Communication in the Age of Chatbots. DocMuc 2018, Hochschule München [Keynote]
2018: What’s Love Got to Do with It? The Cyberpsychology of User Assistance. Invited workshop at UA Reloaded 18, Sankt Leon-Rot, tekom/SAP
2018: The Cyberpsychology of UA. Invited lecture at SAP UA Day 2018, Sankt Leon-Rot
2017: Using Bluetooth Beacons to Provide Location-Based UA. Invited lecture at UA Reloaded 2017 conference, Germany
2017: The Nuts and Bolts of Technical Translation. Invited professional development workshop, Irish Translators’ & Interpreters’ Association
2012: Web Design for Translators. Guest lecture for MA students at Dublin City University.
2011: Developing Translation Specialisms and Marketing Translation Services Online, CPD Workshop given on behalf of the Irish Translators’ & Interpreters’ Association
2011: Understanding the Peer Review Process. Humanities Research Institute, University of Sheffield.
2010: Scientific & Technical Translation. Guest lecture at University College London.
2010: Textual Cognetics: Using Psychology to Engineer Better Translations. Guest lecture at University of Salford.
2009: Understanding Technical Translation. Guest lecture on technical translation at University College London.
2009: Are technical translators writing themselves out of existence? Keynote lecture at 9th Portsmouth Translation Conference, University of Portsmouth.
2008: The Trouble with Technical Translation. Invited lecture at Imperial College London.
2007: Multidimensional Challenges in Technical Translation. Invited lecture and plenary panel discussion on translator training at Mutra Multidimensional Translation Conference, Vienna.
2006: Putting the Reader First: The Role of Usability in Technical Translation. Invited lecture at Imperial College London.
2006: Translation and the Internet: Changing the Face of an Industry. 6th Portsmouth Translation Conference “Translation Technologies & Culture”, University of Portsmouth, November, 2006.


2019: Interactive Video: Giving User Assistance the Netflix Treatment. SAP UA Day 2019, Germany [Recording]
2018: The Cyberpsychology of UA. Invited lecture at SAP UA Day 2018, Germany [Recording]
2016: Breaking Silos and Boosting UA Innovation with Prototyping. LavaCon Conference, Dublin [Recording]

Conference Papers & Presentations

2016: Breaking Silos and Boosting UA Innovation with Prototyping. LavaCon 2016, Dublin
2008: Learning Technology in the Translation Classroom. XVIII FIT World Congress 2008, Shanghai.
2008: The Role of Technical Communication in Engineering Better Translations. TILS 2008 – Translation, Interpreting & Languages for Special Purposes, University of Macerata, Italy
2005: Suppression as a Form of Creativity in Technical Translation. 5th Portsmouth Translation Conference, University of Portsmouth, England.
2005: Leveraging TM Technology to Improve Translatability & Usability. LRC-X Localisation Conference, University of Limerick, Ireland.
2005: Rethinking Style in Technical Translation. 2nd DCU International Postgraduate Conference in Translation Studies, Dublin, Ireland.
2003: Usability Testing Software User Guides: A Pilot Study. Proceedings of European Information Development Conference/tekom Jahrestagung 2003, Wiesbaden, Germany.
2003: Not Just for Translators: The Real Benefit of Languages in a Multicultural Society. Intercultural Spaces – Royal Irish Academy Research Symposium, Dublin City University.
2002: Translation, Quality and Cognetics: New Insights into Translation Quality. Quality Issues in Translation Conference, University of Portsmouth, England.
2002: Freelance Translation: Teaching Students to Create Their Own Jobs. International Symposium on Specialisms & Specialisations, University of Rennes, France.
2002: Iconic Linkage & Translation Quality. Postgraduate Research Showcase, Dublin City University.

Editorial & Peer Review

Editorial review board of conneXions: International Journal of Professional Communication.
Editorial board of the Journal of Specialised Translation.
Peer reviewer for Perspectives: Studies in Translatology. Taylor & Francis Group, 2011
Peer reviewer for Kearns, John (ed.) Translator and Interpreter Training: Ideas, Methods, Debates. London/New York: IATIS/Continuum, 2007
Editorial board of Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning, University of Helsinki, 2006-2011.
Founding editor of the ITIA Bulletin, Irish Translators’ & Interpreters’ Association, 2002-2004
Editorial Committee of the Irish Translators’ & Interpreters Association, 2002-2004

Academic Teaching

University College Dublin
Diploma in Digital Media Design – 12 week professional postgraduate diploma course
Dublin City University
Specialised German into English Translation – Scientific & Technical [UG Levels 2 & 4; PG]
Specialised German into English Translation – Economic & Financial [UG Level 4; PG]
IT & Research Skills [UG Level 1]
University of Sheffield
Translation Technologies. [PG] Module convenor & lecturer
Localisation for Linguists. [PG] Module convenor & lecturer
International Technical Communication. [PG] Module convenor & lecturer
Theories of Translation. [PG] Lecturer
Theory and Practice of Screen Translation. [PG] Lecturer
Approaches to Translation Genre. [PG] Lecturer
Advanced Translation from German into English. [PG] Module convenor & lecturer
Advanced Translation from Spanish into English. [PG] Module convenor & lecturer
Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Interpreting: [UG Level 2] Lecturer
Dissertation Research Skills. [PG] Module convenor & lecturer, co-ordinating 5 lecturers and 14 dissertation supervisors.
Supervision of approximately 10 MA dissertations per year.

Academic Administration

University of Sheffield
Programme Leader and Admissions Tutor for MA in Multilingual Information Management. 2005-2011
Member of School of Modern Languages & Linguistics Executive Committee. 2007-2009
Departmental Examinations Officer. 2007-2011
MA Dissertation Co-ordinator. 2006-2011
Personal Tutor Co-ordinator. 2006-2011
Departmental Library Liaison on Faculty of Arts Library Committee, responsible for managing budget. 2005-2011
Disability Liaison & Equal Opportunities Officer for School of Modern Languages & Linguistics. 2009-2011
Departmental Director of Teaching and Learning Innovation. 2006-2009

Corporate Training Delivery

SAP Advanced Visual Storytelling with Infographics [One-day Classroom Workshop]: Course designer and trainer
SAP Video Production Training for User Assistance Developers [Two-part online webinar]: Course designer and trainer

External Consulting

External examiner of PhD on Controlled Languages at University of Portsmouth, 2011
External reviewer on programme validation panel for MA in Audiovisual Translation, Roehampton University, 2010
External examiner for MA in Specialised & Technical Translation, University of Westminster, 2009-2011.
External examiner for PhD on the translation of patents into Chinese, Newcastle University, 2009
External examiner for MA in Translation Studies dissertations, University of Manchester, 2008
Programme validation assessor for MA in Translation & Technical Communication, University of Portsmouth, 2008

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